Friday, 19 April 2013

Home is where you hang your chandelier. . .

 This little house started life as a tampax box. Yes humble beginnings but  it has that handy dandy little insert flap for closing.  Which is great for the front door.  The dolls house is loosely inspired by my real life farmhouse that Mr Hollywood and I are renovating.  (I may start another blog just for the Charentaise Farmhouse - that's if anyone is interested in my old farmhouse).  
 It's been a beautiful sunny week here in SW France and I've been busy decorating the tampax box and turning it into a dolls house. I was just finishing up painting the roses on the  wallpaper when Céleste wondered by. She's been looking for a house in this area of Shelf Corner. We chatted for awhile and I invited her to stay for a cup of tea and slice of cake.  Anyway, cut a long story short, she moved in that very afternoon. I helped her hang the curtains and put up the chandelier... apparently  according to Céleste once the chandeliers are up and in place, it just feels like home!
 She's French. . .!!! Never mind the chandelier, I'm just happy if I can find the kettle. . .

Talking of kettles, I'm off to have a cup of tea with Lottie over at Paper Saturday. . .come with me, she loves company, then I'm going to Sunday  Sketches :) x  !!!

That's my Fun and Nonsense, what's yours? :)


ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi Catherine, yet another great story. Your 3D art is wonderful.

sharon said...

I love Celeste, her eyes are so gorgeous, don't tell her she might get a swelled head,lol. I'm not sure I would want to live ion a Tampax box, but mind you you have made it beautiful, so I imagine that your farmhouse is going to be beautiful as well.

Unknown said...

I can see why Celeste fell in love with the house right away. The shutters and tiled roof are so quaint. Who wouldn't want to live in there?

AM Zafaran said...

I don't know how you inevitably manage to make me smile! I love this house! Love Celeste's Shelf Corner house and her garden chair! I would love to see the redeco of the farmhouse...and...inside the gypsy see I am an addict now! :-) :-)

Unknown said...

Oh I would love to hear about your farmhouse, my house is done in a farmhouse chic style and we are getting ready to re-do the kitchen. I love to see what others are doing to their lovely properties.

As for your tampax about taking it upscale! I love it, what did you make the chandeleir out of? It is fabulous!

Valerie-Jael said...

What a fun piece! LOve it! Nice weather here in Rhineland, too - a bit cool, but sunny and great for walking! Valerie

Jez said...

Very pretty piece, I think charming describes it perfectly. You are so patient to incorporate all that detail. I really love that garden chair - and Celeste and all the rest. Enjoyed the post.
My piece of fun? Well, it's at the end of my effort for Paper Saturday.

Maria Medeiros said...

so magical! :D lovely!

manomij said...

Ooooh how wonderful she founds such a beautiful house :) It is so wonderful to stop by because you always make me smile! Happy Paper Saturdays. I had that silly comment moderation thing on because I had someone put 20 spam message on in a hour but it is back off now. I hate that thing myself but it just had to happen for a little while sorry ;)

Melanie said...

This is a sweet little house for your paper dolls.
Liefs, Melanie

Ilona Heimböckel said...

Wonderful little house with homemade wall paper and everything! :-) Love the chandelier!


Unknown said...

Wow! I'm impressed with your paper doll house and all. Wonderful!

Michellem said...

Oh my word - that is just about the cutest thing ever!! I'm about to be your newest follower!!

Anne Manda said...

This is just so incredibly sweet! Love how you took the photos, too: the peek from the window and the sunshine spots! <2

Unknown said...

How fun!! I used to make stuff like this out of paper all the time! How have I forgotten?! So much fun!


Wonderful Job. Nice combination of Sketching and Paper Craft work. Absolutely Amazing
Here's my Work
}{appy Sunday !!

PaintingWrite said...

oh my word - you are so creative - I love that you looked at a tampax box and envisaged this wonderful little house for the gorgeous Celeste to move into!! These are delightful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely work ~ very creative ~ ^_^

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

This is such a fun piece, Catherine, and it's Earth friendly too. Celeste is going to thoroughly enjoy her new little farm house. Blessings!

Christine said...

Catherine this is absolutely adorable, just LOVE it, you are so talented.

Christine said...

And I'm interested in your old farmhouse.

Unknown said...

oh how cute is this!!!! I love your cute house and character Catherine!!!!

Victoria said... are so fab Catherine..everything is so exquisitely enchanting!! Everything you create magically comes to life..such talent and soul..I truly love the artist you are..your creations feel really alive to me..and this little home is wonderful!! Yes totally....if you start a new blog on your farmhouse I'd love to see it!

Melody said...

Really? you make great art AND you have an old farmhouse too! We (the Mr. and I)also have an old farmhouse under slow restoration...slow because it a 5 hour drive to get to it to work on...*sigh. I would LOVE to see what your doing!!! As long as you promise to keep the "girls" active too! Note to self, get chandalier for farmhouse...Love the little house, despite it's humble beginnings! :))))You always make me smile ~ and I raise my tea cup to you in tribute!

Unknown said...

Wow this is so great! Yes, humble beginnings ;)
I like the paperdoll idea so much!
Fran T

Debbie said...

adorable house, and what a wonderful imagination you have! I thought your poppie story was so interesting. Happy SS!

Gay McKinnon said...

Gosh you're creative. ..and to think I just throw those boxes in the recycling! The shutters and roof are great and the chair is super retro. I see merchandising .... I see funds rolling in for your renovation...

GalleryJuana said...

Amazing little dollhouse and I love how it began with a tampax box! And renovating your real life farmhouse must be a lot of fun mixed in with some elbow grease.

Sandra van Doorn said...

humble starts.. Catherine you crack me up!
i’d love to see the charentaise!! old farm houses make me dream :)
xo sandra

janice smith said...

The best use of a Tampax box ever! What an absolutely charming piece. I love all the details!

Jenny said...

you are so clever! Love the gorgeous details and the expert use of recycling...who'd a thunk a tampax box could transform into something so pretty. I'm with you on the kettle front...though dream of one day having a chandelier ..maybe could fashion one out of tampax boxes for now ;) Big hugs xx

irene said...

artistic imagination in action. i love your creations. happy ppf

irene said...

creative imagination in action! i love what you created. happy ppf