Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Good Morning Tuesday. . .

 You can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count.” 
I'm wading through my list. Nothing is finished and everything is started. Renovations on the house are slow. I've been getting up at 6am to work-work, before it gets to hot to do anything. Work-work is cleaning the house and hard manual labour, the boring, it's got to be done work.  In the afternoons I've been concentrating on book work and artwork and generally messing about with my watercolours. Bliss. I love being on holiday.

ps...for all us dyslexics...chewsday, choosday, choseday...TG for spellchek...:P   That's my Fun and Nonsense xx


ann @ studiohyde said...

Love these fish :)

Fida said...

love the effects on the fish! that's amazing :D


Melody said...

Great Fish art ! :)))) .*sigh*... how I long to mess about with crafty things, instead of work-work.... not to be confused with the regular ole work...
Extreme heat is detrimental to house renovations... they can be slow enough without it!

Netty said...

love your fish.......enjoy your afternoons, Annette x

Alexandra MacVean said...

Lovely to read how you're doing over in your side of the world. I know how it feels to have a list that never seems to get anything checked off of it! :) Sending you lots of hugs and love.

dandelion said...

love the tuesday quote, I've never seen it before! I suppose the lovely work in the afternoons makes up for the horrid in the mornings!

Gay McKinnon said...

Oh, how gorgeous! I love the colours. I don't know how you have time to blog at all - you're always making astonishingly creative things, and I just saw your to-do list below. Good luck with that ... and enjoy the holidays!