Looks like Spencer Dubs is sweet on Boogie Bedhead......but is Miss Boogie Bedhead going to fall for his boyish charm?.....Toggle doesn't know whether to doggy lick Spencer Dubs or just bite him..... Mrs Doodledoo is wondering if anyone has spotted Snail.....? Oooooo young love.....It could be soppy smiles and stary eyes....or.....tears before bedtime...... cup of tea anyone... biscuit...?
Questions, questions........
This is my entry for CED and Mr Toasts Creative Tuesdays Valentine....to all you Mum's and Dad's with teenagers in love.....I feel for you...you are not alone.....
Monday, 31 January 2011
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Just 4 you . . .
My eldest daughter is in England at Uni..having a great time and is really bad at keeping in touch..she's living her life...and that's fine...we just miss her (and if you read this Minger...phone home)...oops...I'm always sending her stuff...and she does write occasionally.....anyhow I suddenly thought my youngest baby girl is still here and I hadn't sent her anything...so the other day I sent her this little card in the post....needless to say she loves it and it is now her bookmark......There is something really quite magical about receiving something nice by good old fashioned "SnailMail".....a letter or package that has a stamp on it.....
We sometimes don't thank the people that we see all the time, the ones that in so many little ways make our days that much brighter....
This was the back of the envelope that the card was in....just a little bit of nonsense.... warms the heart and goes a long way to saying thank you for always being there...it's the time we give to others that is precious..... oooh, get me, I've gone all mushy...better snap out of that "tout de suite".......can't think what came over me.....good job Maud's not about, she'd probably give me a slap....
I have entered back of envelope to Web of Whimsy's Whimsical Wednesday and Sunday Sketches
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
What can I say...houses or a particular house on my mind........."If it's meant to be...it will...If not...well, it will be something else..." - Don't you just hate being reasonable?......
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Back to normal . . .well as normal as I can be . . .for me . .
I was feeling a little out of sorts on Friday...but I'm much better now, thank you... this is also for Sunday Sketches
As you know Mr Hollywood and I have been house hunting...well we have found the perfect house and this beautiful tower sits at the bottom of the front garden...(I should say, that unfortunately the tower doesn't come with the house)...can't have everything. The house we have fallen in love with is an old Charentaise house, a ruin....of course...but in my head we have already lovingly restored and decorated it...and I have imagined myself and Mr Hollywood sitting up in bed in the our vast bedroom looking out on this tower.....my workroom/office in the smaller middle bedroom also overlooking this tower......in the summer, lunching/dining with friends and family in the garden....and in the winter in our beautifully decorated vast dinning room....obviously I will get out my fine French crystal glasses...Yes lots of work and mega amounts of elbow grease and money are needed ....yes in my head we are already living there.....yes my imagination has run completely wild...
So fingers crossed and lots of praying....that soon I will be able to bore you all completely silly with house renovation stories.........
Saturday, 22 January 2011
I am trying to change my header picture.....and no matter what I do, it, Blogger just won't let me have the image the full width like I had before.....soooooo frustrating..............any suggestions anyone...I'm tearing my hair out here.....think I'll go have a large glass of wine...... Sorry my blog is looking crap....
Friday, 21 January 2011
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
IF.... Chicken
Hi, well I haven't done anything for IF for ages... so... Chicken grabbed me and here is Miss Boogie Bedhead, Toggle the dog and Mrs DoodleDo (the hen)... I think, Boogie and Toggle thought they would sneak up on Mrs Hen, but she's ready for those two little rascals with her rolling pin.... ouch that could hurt if she catches them...
Monday, 17 January 2011
Let's get warm and toasty..... (Fab n Funky challenge...) & Sunday Sketches
Hope you had a great weekend.... This is for Fab 'n Funky "let's get warm and toasty..and Sunday Sketches...." I wish I had been able to spend my weekend just pottering about...but....no... Mr Hollywood and I chased round the French countryside looking for a house to buy.... a "Chez Nous".... we visited lots of ruins with Château price tags...."Every man's house may be his castle" but to the prospective buyer it's a pile of rubble that with alot of time, money and patience may one day be a home.... one house that I like very much... the bathroom and loo are in the cow shed... the blurb says that this house has been totally renovated... well, I'm a mad cow.....
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Crochet Birdie decoration....
A few days ago I was working on a project and decided that I needed some crocheted flowers... like you do. Anyway, whilst blog hopping in search of a simple flower pattern I came across Lucy at http://attic24.typepad.com a really warm and cosy site. Well, I fell in love with her Birdie decoration and whilst I'm a complete novice when it comes to crochet, I thought I'd give it a go.... Well here is my crocheted birdie and teeny tiny flowers... my first attempt won't win any prizes but I had fun making it.... if nothing else the colours cheered me up on this wet and rainy day....Am totally fed up with damp rainy cloudy dark winter days....not to mention that this weather is making my hair frizzy....yuk....
Monday, 10 January 2011
Friday, 7 January 2011
Thank Goodness it's Friday.....
I liked the suggestion by Birdie that Toggle be Pink even though he is most certainly a boy... Thank you all for your name suggestions, I'm sure that the other puppies in the litter will be visiting soon and we will be seeing Remnant, Slipper, Scruffy, Snoodles and B in the not to distant future... and not forgetting Sebastian Boneapole III.
Hope you like this Boogie Bear....
A huge thank you to Pavinee of MerryDay who has given me a Stylish Blogger Award. I'm chuffed to bits.

The award works like this:
• Thank and link back to the person that awarded me.
• Share 7 things about myself.
• Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered bloggers.
• Contact those bloggers about the award!
Well here it is ... 7 things about me...
I love watching soppy romantic films and old musicals, like what they don't make anymore.
I love spicy Asian food and traditional Sunday Roast
I wish I was more organised with the things I hate doing, like paper work and food shopping and laundry. YUCK
I wish I could stop chewing the inside of my lip when I'm thinking about stuff... it hurts and after 40 years you'd think I would have learnt...but no....owwww!
I love ballroom dancing, especially with my Mr Hollywood, being in his arms and waltzing round the dance floor... there are no words to describe how completely wonderful it is...
I really want to learn the Argentine Tango... hopefully this year....
I love long walks on the beach and the smell of sea air... I loved the pebble beach at Milford, Hampshire (England) and the beach at Portarlington and Point Londsdale Melbourne Australia and up in Darwin Casuarina. One day I hope to go back.
There we go.... I now pass the award along to.....
Sweetlimes Jeanne Nicole Piar Duda Daze Karen Cannon Red Cowgirl Katherine Quinn Kay McKinnon Unusual Chris
I know there are not 15, I just ran out of time.....
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Just a few doodles....
Wow everyone, thank you for all your comments.... I love all your suggestions .... I did a few doodles yesterday morning at school.... The boys liked the brown, the girls picked the purple and I like the yellow and bluey green. Will have ago at sticking him on the computer and colouring him in, using lots of colours.... something new for me to learn.... I'm going to try in fireworks.... fingers crossed...
Monday, 3 January 2011
This pooch needs a name...
Hope you are all fit and well and ready for the New Year challenges....
I haven't blogged in a few days. Well, I decided I needed a rest from drawing, darlings :-j.... actually family commitments, I had no time and it took me a long time to recover from our New Year celebrations... I just can't hack the pace...I'm not 16 any more...Thank goodness. But it would be nice to burn the candle at both ends once in a while and not spend days recuperating... what's worse I didn't even drink...so I couldn't even blame a hangover... that's just sad and downright OLD....
Anyhow, once my body, head and eyes stopped hurting and I started to resemble a human being again, instead of looking and feeling like something the dog had chucked up...this is what popped onto my page... and well this little pooch needs a name...and a colour.... Any ideas?
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