I had my tarot cards read this week...I was told that I needed to pull my finger out and get on with my book... it's finished bar the illustrations... Money was foreseen ...I had an extra wad in my pay packet this week so that was good... I was also told that I was isolated - der I live in rural France, everyone is isolated. All joking aside. I knew what she meant. I do feel isolated but I'm not lonely. I have lots of wonderful people around me and a fantastic Blog network of blog friends whom I cherish...yes you are all cherished. I look forward to your comments and love popping by to see what you've all been up too...
I gessoed a couple of pages in my sketch book and ripped up a brown paper bag and gessoed three pieces of the bag onto those pages... (above). I just let the pages speak to me and the pig came first, then the Asian man, my little girl in the red dress came next and finally my little Indian princess looking through the window. My princess is covering up a picture of boy eating cakes (he was printed on the bag)- he actually looks more like he's having a poo - he had to go....I then jotted down the words that randomly came into my head... I didn't think at all... the colours just happened as well.
I've never been to India, so where the influence for this came, who knows... I was just sitting in the sun on the steps at the back of the school in my lunch break playing with my art supplies... having a "little fun and nonsense" xx
I'm sharing this with Sunday Sketches ....
Ps... yes it does say in the corner that My body is a temple for chocolate... :) who's isn't?
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Getting into shape. . .
I was sitting in the sun this morning, quietly drinking my cup of coffee, listening to the Cuckoo coo koo and all the other birdies tweeting. Thinking that I should probably start getting into shape as bikini weather was here and the sight of my flobbally bits on the beach was definitely not postcard worthy. UP POPPED, Praskovya ...apparently, she's my new P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L Trainer. I tried telling her that I didn't think I needed a P P...before I had finished my word she had me doing 50 tummy crunches.... owwwww...that hurts... She keeps shouting at me, to let my inner cat out....to be FIT, TONED and FELINE gorgeous for this summer.
My inner flabby tabby is telling me that "hold you all in - Swimsuits and sarongs" are the way to go... I'm a scaredy cat and I'm hiding from Praskovya........... just a little Fun and Nonsense......shhhhhhh I'm not here!
My inner flabby tabby is telling me that "hold you all in - Swimsuits and sarongs" are the way to go... I'm a scaredy cat and I'm hiding from Praskovya........... just a little Fun and Nonsense......shhhhhhh I'm not here!
Saturday, 24 March 2012
The Present . . .
Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support. It means a huge amount. My Gran is still clutching onto the last worn out silk threads of her life.
My wonderful friend B over at Sweetlimes and I are into our second year of monthly swaps. Above my little swap to her and below the wonderful Babushka and inspirational card that she sent to me for March. I think I'm right in saying that Babushka is Russian for Grandmother. Strange how our swap this month seems to be so poignant... We have a special bond with our Grand-parents that is totally different than the one we have with our Parents. Good Parents like Good Grand-Parents and Good Friends are a gift. . .I'm sharing this with everyone at Sunday Sketches... "A little fun and nonsense are like little rays of sunshine when the world seems to be a sad place to be sometimes..." xx
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Wet and rainy Wednesday. . .
My Mum and Dad had to go to Bordeaux today. So my youngest daughter and I spent today looking after my Gran who is 98years old...she's dying. Slowly. Since last week she has gone down hill fast. Her insides are just disintegrating. She has stopped eating, we have to feed her. She can't take her own weight anymore, so dressing and changing underwear etc is done as quickly as possible. I spent nearly an hour today just holding her hand and watching her dip in and out of conciousness. I sat remembering when she took me to the Eiffel Tower and we walked down all the steps from the top. She showed me Paris. She was always so elegant and she had a fiery temper too. My grandmother is Parisien in every sense of the word. I'm lucky I've had her for nearly 50 years, she's been a wonderful Grandmother and great grandmother. It's so hard watching someone you love suffer...I can only pray that the angels come soon while she is sleeping... not sure why I felt the need to share this...maybe so you remember to give your Gran a kiss and tell her that you love her...
On a happier note, my daughter and I found time to do this little painting for her homework... She had to write an article on a book she has just read about a homeless girl in Paris and the girl that befriends her. She described the girls and I had to paint them... Wonder what mark we will get... :)
On a happier note, my daughter and I found time to do this little painting for her homework... She had to write an article on a book she has just read about a homeless girl in Paris and the girl that befriends her. She described the girls and I had to paint them... Wonder what mark we will get... :)
Monday, 19 March 2012
Spendola. . .
My naughty little Mojo Spendola popped up today. I asked Spendola where her name came from, it's so unusual. Actually I wanted to say odd but thought better of it.
Ttttt, don't ask stupid questions. She said... where do all names come from! and with that she just vanished.
Spendola, is the naughty little Mojo that hides my pencils and rubber and spills ink on my desk. She hides my glasses too. She's mischievous and full of fun and nonsense... xx
Ttttt, don't ask stupid questions. She said... where do all names come from! and with that she just vanished.
Spendola, is the naughty little Mojo that hides my pencils and rubber and spills ink on my desk. She hides my glasses too. She's mischievous and full of fun and nonsense... xx
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Mother's Day. . .
Shhh... Teddy's sleeping. Yesterday we had a Teddy Bear's tea party in the garden. We had cupcakes and proper tea in china tea cups. Mum made us some of Nana's special cucumber sandwiches and eggy sandwiches and my favourite, sugar sandwiches... cut up in triangles and the crusts cut off.
Everyone was having a lovely time until, Teddy's uncle Ralph turned up. They don't get on. There was a lot of blah blah blah, then Uncle Ralph started shouting that he was going to send some Heavies in to lurk under my bed and in my cupboard and Teddy got all red in the face and BOOM, CRUNCH, CAPOUW!!!...Uncle Ralph and Teddy were bear fighting. When they had finished, they were both covered in mud and grass stains... (some of Mum's flowers got a bit squashed... oops!)
Uncle Ralph went home and Mum put Teddy in the washing machine, so now he smells like clean sheets. Anyway Teddy stayed up all night and kept an eye out to make sure no Heavies moved in while I was sleeping. Nothing and no-one get's past Teddy!
I think Teddy and I are going to have a quiet day today and cuddle up with Mum on the sofa and watch Princess stories on the goggle box...
Happy Mother's Day if it's Mother's Day where you are... ( I have to wait till the End of May here in France)...and pop over to Sunday Sketches and join in. That's all the Fun and Nonsense from me today xx
Friday, 16 March 2012
Phew..TG it's Friday. . .
Where do Top Model's go for their holidays?... Miss Stikin Sek here likes nothing better than staying at home in her Pj's and doing the couch potato...and catching up on a little light reading... she may if pushed join the fun over at Paint Party Friday's

Just hope she doesn't bring any Pink Elephants home... hope you are all having lots of "Fun and Nonsense" xx

Just hope she doesn't bring any Pink Elephants home... hope you are all having lots of "Fun and Nonsense" xx
Monday, 12 March 2012
Mojo and Pink Elephants . . .
I was sat at my desk last night sipping a lovely glass of Rosé wine and wondering where my little Mojo had got to. She had gone on Friday to party with everyone over at PPF for their first Birthday and then with my niece in Australia for her Birthday. I was getting a little worried as I hadn't seen hide nor hair of her all weekend. Actually I was a little annoyed, I thought maybe she was having so much fun that she wouldn't be home anytime soon.
Plouf plouf capouw!!! there she was bright as a button in Princess combat gear...with a tiny Pink Elephant, not any old Pink Elephant a Royal Pink Elephant. Princess Rose, who only last week had been captured by the evil Witch Carmine. Carmine was going to boil Princess Rose to make a paste that is supposed to cure Witch acne... nasty red carbunculs on the end of Witchy noses... it doesn't work but do you think she would listen. Carmine is an old hag that listens to no one...
Anyway my little Mojo had heard a whisper on the wind that Witchy Carmine was holding Princess Rose in the Enchanted Forest just off the M27 so she and a couple of her forest friends, went deep into the wood to rescue Princess Rose the tiny Pink Elephant. While Carmine was busy conjuring up some teatime treats and putting the pot on the fire to boil up poor Princess Rose, Mrs Lapin, Master Fawn and my little Mojo snuck in and rescued Princess Rose right from under Carmine's nose.
So now my darling little Mojo is back and I have a tiny Pink Elephant flying round my office... "what does one do with tiny Royal Pink Elephants?"
Plouf plouf capouw!!! there she was bright as a button in Princess combat gear...with a tiny Pink Elephant, not any old Pink Elephant a Royal Pink Elephant. Princess Rose, who only last week had been captured by the evil Witch Carmine. Carmine was going to boil Princess Rose to make a paste that is supposed to cure Witch acne... nasty red carbunculs on the end of Witchy noses... it doesn't work but do you think she would listen. Carmine is an old hag that listens to no one...
Anyway my little Mojo had heard a whisper on the wind that Witchy Carmine was holding Princess Rose in the Enchanted Forest just off the M27 so she and a couple of her forest friends, went deep into the wood to rescue Princess Rose the tiny Pink Elephant. While Carmine was busy conjuring up some teatime treats and putting the pot on the fire to boil up poor Princess Rose, Mrs Lapin, Master Fawn and my little Mojo snuck in and rescued Princess Rose right from under Carmine's nose.
So now my darling little Mojo is back and I have a tiny Pink Elephant flying round my office... "what does one do with tiny Royal Pink Elephants?"
Hope your week is filled with lots of fun and nonsense...xxx
Friday, 9 March 2012
Happy Birthday. . .
Happy Birthday Boogie Bear, my gorgeous niece and Happy 1st Birthday to Paint Party Friday... well done Eva and Kristin...pass the Château Bubbly girls and cheers to another year... I have a bedroom to finish painting and stuff to get ready for school tomorrow (the holidays are over...boo hoo)...Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday Sketches today and here's to lots more fun and nonsense... xxx
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Mojo's at the beach . . .
My little Mojo has taken herself off to a beach somewhere warm for the day. . . lucky girl ... more fun and nonsense, hugs to you all x
Sunday, 4 March 2012
The different faces of my Mojo . . .
Continuing the theme of my Mojo from during the week, I have spent the weekend creating other little Mojo's...this is my Hippy Chick Mojo...she's all Peace and Love and Calm....
So tell me what does your Mojo look like and where does she or he pop off to........am sharing this with
Sunday Sketches... more "Fun and Nonsense ..."
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