Where do Top Model's go for their holidays?... Miss Stikin Sek here likes nothing better than staying at home in her Pj's and doing the couch potato...and catching up on a little light reading... she may if pushed join the fun over at
Paint Party Friday's

Just hope she doesn't bring any
Pink Elephants home... hope you are all having lots of "Fun and Nonsense" xx
Such cool and adorable character. Just fun!
These just make me smile.. What wonderful work.. Happy PPF!
*ROFL* And yes: TGIF!!!! Happy PPF!
Loving your top model, she is so much fun. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x
Fun pictures. Great post. Happy PPF
Love the little character she is petite yet very strong ~ well done ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ Happy Weekend ^_^
LOVE her - yes i like staying in my PJs too ( especially on Friday!)
- xx happy weekend! thanks for the FB love, too!
Such a lovely and fun piece, Catherine. This brightens my day.
Such a cool model! I've been waiting for Friday all week...looking forward to staying home too :)
Something fresh and fun, with personality. Saludos
Really cute!
Happy PPF,
Your illustrations are so fun and well done. 'Love your soft touch with the colors.
Think I'll do that tonight...get in pjs and lounge on the couch and read!
Your work is so cool!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Ahahahaha!!! Great idea!!
Really cute character! Love her pj's! :)). Happy PPF!
This is so cute. I love her long arms and legs draped across the sofa. I have been a little out of touch with the blog-world--I've missed you, Catherine! :)
LOL! Totally adorable!
Yay..beautiful..more of your fabulous magic!! gorgeous..also love the post below..beautiful!
She looks adorable sitting in her chair all sprawled out like that.
Wow, beautiful work Catherine. So happy to meet you through PPF. Thanks for stopping by today :)
Sometimes is good to be a couch potatoe :o)
Happy PPF!
Quite amusing! Love your drawings! I can see you have a lot of fun with your characters! Patsy from
I know the feeling! Well, not the top model part, but the pj part :)
Oh, she is fun! I'd be drawing her adventures all day long if I were you.
Well, Miss Mojo might have something to say about that...
THese are great characters. Love the silliness!
Oh my gosh!! This is brilliant! I LOVE the slouchy socks. And your concepts are so fabulous! xo
Your girls are beautiful! The one sitting looks like she is a little mad ;)
Beautiful work!!
Your top model is perfect. Your work really made me smile today.
Hi Catherine!!!!! I love these two new pieces....you are so clever and fun!!!!
Oh my gosh...those girls are too cute. LOVE it. So much fun. :)
Too fun, I love that she has attitude even as a couch potato!
What a fun character! She made me :0)
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