Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Wet and rainy Wednesday. . .

My Mum and Dad had to go to Bordeaux today. So my youngest daughter and I spent today looking after my Gran who is 98years old...she's dying. Slowly. Since last week she has gone down hill fast. Her insides are just disintegrating.  She has stopped eating, we have to feed her. She can't take her own weight anymore, so dressing and changing underwear etc is done as quickly as possible.  I spent nearly an hour today just holding her hand and watching her dip in and out of conciousness. I sat remembering when she took me to the Eiffel Tower and we walked down all the steps from the top. She showed me Paris.  She was always so elegant and she had a fiery temper too. My grandmother is Parisien in every sense of the word.  I'm lucky I've had her for nearly 50 years, she's been a wonderful Grandmother and great grandmother. It's so hard watching someone you love suffer...I can only pray that the angels come soon while she is sleeping...  not sure why I felt the need to share this...maybe so you remember to give your Gran a kiss and tell her that you love her...
On a happier note, my daughter and I found time to do this little painting for her homework... She had to write an article on a book she has just read about a homeless girl in Paris and the girl that befriends her.  She described the girls and I had to paint them... Wonder what mark we will get... :)


Nicola said...

Hi Catherine, so sorry to hear about your grandmother, she sounds like a lovely lady. It's so good that you have lots of fond memories with her to look back on. Lovely piece of you and her at the Eiffel Tower, so very special. Good luck with the home work too!!
My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. Take care xoxoxoxo

Tracey FK said...

Catherine we have just gone through something similar with both of my grandparents, and it was so hard to watch so my thoughts go out to you. A few months down the track it is getting easier,and as I drive past their house every afternoon on the way back from school I am thinking of the wonderful things now. cyber hugs are being sent your way and good luck with the homework...xx

Netty said...

Loving your wonderful painting Catherine. I feel for you at this time, its totally heartbreaking watching someone you love die. Have been there as well. Sending you hugs, Annette x

rex said...

I remember with my own Grandmother who died at 94. Those last moments. I still think of her a lot and write a lot about her on my blog.

I hope your Grandma has peace, and how wonderful you can be with her in these last moments of time.


Heather said...

I still miss my grandmother and she passed away 10 years ago...nothing like the hand of a grandmother to hold...lucky for yo you get to be with her!
it's a sweet painting, too!

manomij said...

Its awful seeing old age taking over and knowing that we are going to lose that person slowly. So sad! I hope you are coping ok. Big hug! Your drawing is realy lovely and the story is just so touching.