Thursday, 24 October 2013

Little Miss Hopi. . .

Having a great week  messing about with acrylic paints and big canvas's.   Little Miss Hopi stepped out of my canvas and is wandering about the dinning room.  She loves the new colours I've bought and has been busy splashing bright colours about.

That's my Fun and Nonsense today...


alarmcat said...

oh, she's so sweet !!

Netty said...

Love Miss Hopi, of course she wants to play with your new paints......and so do I.....Annette x

ann @ studiohyde said...

Love this little sole, she is so cute :)

Melody said...

She does looks quite pleased...
*sigh* ..... So many fun colors ~ so little time!

Sandra Busby said...

So cute!! You have such a wonderful imagination :0)

Gay McKinnon said...

Hi Catherine, I love little Miss Hopi and also especially your post about lurking under the desk ... that sponge cake looks delicious ... why don't I have groovy things under my desk?? Maybe I should look more closely in that rubbish bin.