Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Wednesday Mayhem. . .

Well here I am perched on this ruddy brunch with a disgruntled Owl. Madame Gypsy Rose Wooohooo is not best pleased. That makes two of us. Yes, I'm all for the magical White Deer taking up residence in my art bunker. After all she had a message for ME. I was right there with all the spiritual meaning, soft music and gentle bell chiming. I was taking onboard my renewal, going with the flow and  relaxing. There I was just beginning to tune in and comune with Mother Nature, spread my wings and be reborn (so to speak).  When the inevitable circus arrived. Well meaning do gooders that want to spread the Love.  Excuse me, the love was for ME. It was my turn, my time to shine and bask in the love. Me on my own AND NO SHARING!

Just for once I wanted it to be ME ME ME. Me in the spotlight, Me the centre of attention, Me getting accolades, ME.

But no, in MY art bunker, there are queues of magical beings and furry animals waiting to file past the White Deer and be smiled upon. Stalls with White Deer T-shirts and flags have sprung up over night.  I can't move in the bunker for acorn sellers and happy magical campers. Yippee, feeling the LOVE....

I thought I might take refuge up the oak tree till things calmed down.  And there I find Madame fluorescent 1980's Pink feathery blamonge Whooohooo telling fortune's to the stars. There she is telling Twinkle Twinkle Little Star that she has a bright future before her.   Ummmmmm, pish posh...

Off to find another hopefully quiet corner.... that's my Fun and Nonsense this wet a soggy Wednesday...xx


Marta Ramirez - Mystical StarSylph said...

Oh Catherine, you're just as adorable as all these magical creatures that have taken over your art bunker. I love your story telling, your wit and funny ways to takes us into the stories with enchanting writing.
Keep them coming, they brighten up our days!

Sandra Busby said...

This is SO sweet! I love the little details like the dream catcher - adorable! :0)

Melody said...

I seriously need to get a welcome mat and some of those cute little "guest soaps" they sell that look like little roses for my "art bunker", see if I can lure in some visitors! ~ Yup, jealous I am of all the people and creatures that visit you ~ there I said it! Maybe I should "art up" a big green monster? ha ha ! But seriously, your recent fun and nonsense has been awesome! Showering you, just you with accolades! Love the dream catcher and owl's little hedgie pendant! (I do hope that no hedgehog was harmed in the making of it.... and that pink owls only eat marshmallow fluff and graham crackers....) :))))))

Lisa Lavoie said...

Love. It. All. (PS What kind of fine black pen do you use for your detailing/ outlining?)

Kathie Vezzani said...

Catherine, it has been a joy to watch you progress with your characters. I hope the book does comes through for you.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Beautifully done Catherine! I was thinking that it must be a joy to look through your art book. You are so talented!

Netty said...

fabulous drawings, Annette x

Anonymous said...

Sending just you what you need. Blessings to your white deer.. perhaps a little flight to chat with kayleigh kangaroo might help.... Hevhe
Seriously love your art ,jealous you have a bunker... And your fun and nonsense makes ne smile and laugh out loud in a full commuter train..
Oh they are so missing out
Continue treasured one.. joy to you and others

Joni Nickrent said...

Love your full of imagination, magic and creativity!

Unknown said...

thank you Anonymous, you are coming up as noreply... I don't mind, if you want to share with your fellow commuters...I remember those days of commuting... the stories i could tell :) xx