Sunday, 29 September 2013

Chocks away. . .

Chocks away and here I go...  I decided last week that I needed a website to showcase my portfolio and get my name out there as an Illustrator for children's books. A friend of mine suggested that I use Wordpress themes.  Jolly good I said and merrily went off to look up Wordpress etc and launch into creating my very own professional looking website that will attract a flock of publishers. I was all fired up and excited, this was going to be a piece of cake.  All the blurb says it's easy peasy lemon squeezy.  The website creating bit not the attacking of publishers bit.

AGGGGGGGGGGGGG.....I couldn't even get passed the filling out my name properly.  I had to download Wordpress then open it then find the zipper to unzipper it. Then what to do? Which theme to choose, still haven't worked that one out.  I've tested a few but they won't let me do what I want to do. At some point I decided I needed a teenager but my teenager has gone to Uni, far away from Mummy.  So I can't even haul her cute little bottom back here and get her to do it for me.

I've spent hours, scratching my head, drinking cups of tea and staring at Wordpress pages and I've decided that suddenly I'm as thick as a brick.  I'm a dummy :(    and I'm stuck.

So for now I'm looking to thin out my brick and undummy myself.  I know I have a brain, I'm sure I do. It's here somewhere, I just can't remember where I put it.  I think I'll have a cup of tea and think of a Plan B...

That's my Fun and Nonsense for this week.


Sunny Carvalho said...

Oh, geez! I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble. I am needing to completely dump my old website and start I guessing you don't recommend Wordpress! LOL I hope you get it worked out. Keep us updated!

Sandra Busby said...

I empathize! I have also wanted to build a website for so long but just get so blown away that i give up! I've heard that WIX is very easy - Might be worth a look? I love your illustrations and I think you could do really well :0)

Melody said...

Can't be a bit of help with computer things ~ my easy blogger blog is about the most I can manage, when computer-ing gets too technical I get too agitated to think clearly! But, on a bright note; your parachute girls look lovely! (though I can think of NO good reason to EVER leap from a perfectly good plane! ~ silly, nonsensical girls.....)

manomij said...

Ha ha just like me then I got one two years ago got some help but I guess what is still dormant I think I can beat you on the cups of tea there. I am sorry I have no tips right now but will let you know if I do. Manonx

Lisa Lavoie said...

Aren't websites fun! :) I used Wordpress with the Headway Theme to build mine - tiny learning curve...but the Headway Theme is a drag and drop theme that let's you make it look like what you want it to look like without having to know any coding - and they have a great support forum and tutorial base for when you get stuck :)

Lisa Lavoie said...

And happy to try to help you out if I can!

dandelion said...

Oh my goodness! You are brave, I pull in a teenager at the least sign of 'techy stuff' and I too would love to know how you get on with your website. It's a great idea, I love your illustrations and they would be lovely in children's books x