Saturday, 31 March 2012

Random. . .

I had my tarot cards read this week...I was told that I needed to pull my finger out and get on with my book... it's finished bar the illustrations... Money was foreseen ...I had an extra wad in my pay packet this week so that was good... I was also told that I was isolated - der I live in rural France, everyone is isolated. All joking aside. I knew what she meant. I do feel isolated but I'm not lonely. I have lots of wonderful people around me and a fantastic Blog network of blog friends whom I cherish...yes you are all cherished. I look forward to your comments and love popping by to see what you've all been up too...

I gessoed a couple of pages in my sketch book and ripped up a brown paper bag and gessoed three pieces of the bag onto those pages... (above). I just let the pages speak to me and the pig came first, then the Asian man, my little girl in the red dress came next and finally my little Indian princess looking through the window. My princess is covering up a picture of boy eating cakes (he was printed on the bag)- he actually looks more like he's having a poo - he had to go....I then jotted down the words that randomly came into my head... I didn't think at all... the colours just happened as well.

I've never been to India, so where the influence for this came, who knows... I was just sitting in the sun on the steps at the back of the school in my lunch break playing with my art supplies...  having a "little fun and nonsense" xx

I'm sharing this with  Sunday Sketches ....

Ps... yes it does say in the corner that My body is a temple for chocolate... :)  who's isn't?


Netty said...

I am so with you on the chocolate... loving your beautiful pages Catherine, x

Tammie Lee said...

i love that you let this art guide you, perhaps you could also read it like someone reads the tarot cards... wish i had insight. wonderful that you found inspiration to work on your book. awesome to see your pages.

Debbie said...

your journal page is great. I'm with you on the chocolate! (she says as she finishes a chocolate brownie with fudge icing!) Happy Sunday!

AM Zafaran said...

I loved the Indian princess. Wow! I wish I could have my Tarot reading too!

Unknown said...

This is so sweet. I love the carefree creative play. The best way to paint! (and I'm totally with you on the chocolate!)

Fifi said...

Because I appreciate your lovely work , I send you this LiebsterBlog award!!!
from my blog :

Victoria said...

Oh my..totally beautiful..such wonderful work..very intriguing and magical...wonderful and intuitive..I love that intuitive natural process it is the way i work too..fabulous!!!
Happy SS and wishing you a magical week ahead!

Teri said...

Love these pages and isn't that what brown paper bags are for?! I love them
I never got that chocolate gene and always feel like I am missing something.

Happy Sunday

WrightStuff said...

This is a response to the last two posts... especially the one about exercise! I too am on the beach countdown. I have put on way too much weight this winter so am torturing myself with exercise and generally moving around a bit more. Today I overdid it in the garden - a reminder of just how unfit I am!

I love the Indian Princess and her Prince is it?

Joanne Osband said...

I really like how you filled the space with color and sketches of random images. The addition of words & thoughts gives insight into your feelings which makes the composition even more lovely. Thanks for sharing your process.

Christine said...

sweet sketches!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Ha, maybe I should get my tarot read so I can get kicked into gear. I finally have a new drawing to share for Sunday Sketches, though, so that's something.

Your pages are wonderful! And hmmm ... chocolate.

GalleryJuana said...

Fantastic the colours and the body as a temple for chocolate phrase :)

Denise G said...

I hope you continue filling your pages and following the wisdom of your chocolate inspired art...It is genuine and true. Love it!

Alicia C said...

what a fun tarot reading! last time I had one done (ages ago) she predicted a husband- and it weirdly came true!! Didnt even know him at the time.........

what a charming beautiful piece! I love how adventurous you are with the journal pages - gesso & all

Sandra van Doorn said...

oh your pages are so gorgeous! it’s lovely to get a little peek into your journal, i love it. and yes of course , i agree about the chocolate!
xo sandra

Helen said...

This is lovely and it's great to let the creativity flow as you never know where it will take you - in this case it's India :) Happy SS