Sunday, 15 April 2012

Waiting. . .

Some little girlies that I made. They are WIP's (waiting in-patiently)  for a journal page or a postcard to adorn. One of these girls has her future set and will be flying off to cooler climes... the others will have to learn to be patient... a little fun and nonsense for Sunday Sketches... xxx


manomij said...

What a wonderful thing to put on a card and even better to receive one. Gorgeous! Were is she flying to and which one?

Unknown said...

Oooooh!!! Love their shoes!!!

WrightStuff said...

You have me intrigued... where is she going?

earthen-magic said... ~ Love ~ love! ~ super juicy sweet! ~ thankyoU for the s.s. share today! ~ blessed be!...

Christine said...

They're so cute Catherine!

carol l mckenna said...

Catherine ~ they are adorable ~ wonderful art style ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Joni Nickrent said...

How them! :)

m7 said...

love your sketches, as always, because they are so cool! :)

C. said...

Catherine, these would make the most adorable line of licensed paper dolls! That's what I thought they were before I read the post and I thought- geez, I woud buy those paper dolls just for me even thought I am too old....and I would definately buy these as paper dolls for my little girls! Superbly well done.

Unknown said...

Fun and nonsense is my style too ! your girlies are very cute. makes me think of my little grand daughter (Jillian) I call her Jilly-Bean she had fabulous pink sparkly tennis shoes

- KAT -

Victoria said...

omg...these are little beauties so dazzling and adorable!You are so fab Catherine!!Each one is uniquely special and so enchanting!
Shine on!

kat said...

Your girlies are ever so sweet Catherine, just lovely!

kat said...

Your girlies are ever so sweet Catherine, just lovely!

Teri said...

Oh so cute. Please show us where they end up adorning something.

Unknown said...

The little girls are absolutely beautiful!! You alway make them so adorable! Have a great day!!

Connie said...

Hi, I just found your blog and I am so impressed with your little women (girlies). The personality they each have is adorable. I to am dysexic, but no one knew what this was, my mother always thought that because I was born premature, I would always be a little slower than other kids. I guess she failed to notice that in any class that did not require reading I excelled. I do not know if this is normal, but numbers never were a problem, as letter were my down fall. So as a child I always made A's in art and math, and I used my art to extra credit my way to higher grades in other classes. It's amazing how impressed teachers can be with maps, charts and drawings to go along with a C paper and bring it up to a B. Praise God for spell check and the use of thesaurus. Well, enough about that, This is about your blog. Love, love, love it!
Your newest follower, Connie :). P.S. Please accept my invitation to visit and follow my blog. I so much enjoy the camaraderie with other creative women.

Tammie Lee said...

wow to the lucky person that receives one of these on a post card! So cute.

lovely week to you~

Tracey FK said...

I can't decide which one I like best... I have had to keep an eye on my postcard because since I framed it a certain young miss keeps coming and stealing it for her room... took great pleasure in stealing it back today and re hanging it... she hasn't noticed yet!!!

Joanne Osband said...

What characters! I like the variety you achieve with their expressions and their outlook on life.

Nora MacPhail said...

Lovely girls. I love their big shoes.

Liz Powley said...

They are lovely and whimsical. I also like the colours you've used, very fresh and bright.

Best wishes,

Sandra van Doorn said...

oh i’d love one to put it on my desk. that would make such a great little friend!