Wednesday, 11 December 2013

One, two, three. . .

 I started with one little girl, then there were two little girls and now there are three little girls and one ugly duckling. All three of them and duckling like to ask questions.  

Q.  Why is my Christmas tree not up yet?
A.  Probably because it's still tired from last year and is having a lie in.

Q.  Why do Christmas tree lights never work the following year?
A.  It's their way of telling you that they don't like being put away in a dark cupboard.

Q. How is Father Christmas going to get down the chimney when there isn't one in the house?
A.  I'll draw him a picture and as he's magic...oh, he's Father Christmas, he'll figure it out.

Q.  Why do we have roast turkey at Christmas?
A.  Because it's the only time of the year I can catch a whole one.

These little darlings will be staying with me until the New Year.  Then they will be up for sale to go to a new home and bug someone else with all their Fun and Nonsense questions... ;) xx


Sandra Busby said...

Daaaw... these are so adorable!! I have only just put our tree up! I thought that the puppy might eat it but so far so good! :0)

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh very good! I love it! Our tree is not up yet either - yikes and I have two young ones in the house. I can use the excuse that they have not as yet cut it down LOL

Netty said...

smashing post Catherine, loving your cute pictures, Annette x

Melanie said...

Love the girls and the q & a...
Have fun decorating your tree...
Liefs, Melanie

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your cute little girls! Valerie

Melody said...

I can understand your Christmas tree needing a lie in.... I'm still a bit tired from last year myself. ...It's awfully hard to catch up.
Always wondered about that lack of chimney thing... magic. Of course. :))))))

Gay McKinnon said...

Merry Christmas, Catherine! I love all your latest works especially the Lowry and London inspired ones. Happy festive season and see you in the New Year.