I am trying to change my header picture.....and no matter what I do, it, Blogger just won't let me have the image the full width like I had before.....soooooo frustrating..............any suggestions anyone...I'm tearing my hair out here.....think I'll go have a large glass of wine...... Sorry my blog is looking crap....
Thanks kat, I have tried everything...anyway my header at the mo..not perfect but will have to do till I figure out how to make work....
hi, your blog doesn't look like crap. i love the polk dots behind the warm color here. i agree with above, try to get your photo smaller before puttin it up . shrink to fit.
Sorry, when I posted this blog last night...my blog was pink with alsorts of colours... I like the the colour it is now and with the dots.. thanks saying you like it too. I've made the picture smaller it just dosen't seem to fit the way I want...I'll get there...
I think you have to change the html code to make the width bigger....it looks great!!!
I feel your pain Cat. Your blog looks great. I love the poka-dots. I have fallen into that black hole of time trying to get my header picture to fit differently. I even cried over it once. Somehow I made the photo smaller and jacked around with it for hours trying to remember what I did. I surrendered. Terah
I made mine match by adjusting the column width of the daily posts wider, looking at the pixel number (I think mine is 910 in the layout I use, yours will be a bit different) and then adjusting the photo to that width in photoshop or whatever program you use. It *should* line up when you add it. I do like what you have right now. :)
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