Saturday, 19 February 2011

Backgrounds. . .foregrounds. . .

As some of you will know...I've been trying to do flowery, grassy, whatever backgrounds and foregrounds.... useless..will have to keep practising practising...probably would help if I actually sat in the garden and did some life drawing...but it's far to cold to be sitting in the damp grass drawing grass and whatnot....
so my imagination will have to do for now... 
A girl just needs to get away from it all sometimes...

As you will see, drawing from photographs..teasels not much better, I tried to make them spikey with delicate buddy things...didn't work, they look more like toilet brushes...but I'm liking my fairies...
I called this one "Bad Hair Day"...

This is also going to be for my Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia...check out what everyone else has been up to...I know I'm a little early, but have sick people to visit...teenagers sleeping to clean... Bags to organise... Am off to London and Leeds this week... catching up with old friends and going to see my daughter ...haven't seen her since Christmas... can't wait to annoy her with Mummy hugs and kisses...


Tracy said...

Awww, we are our own worst critics, aren't we? I like the grass look you've created. It looks light and airy!
She has such a cute look on her face!

Tammie Lee said...

these are both adorable!! your style is so charming and makes me smile.
I also have mine SS posted early.

Cowgirl Red said...

Toilet brushes??? I never would have seen that, but now that you mention it... Just kidding. Have fun with your girl.... Terah

Heather Foust said...

I don't know what you are talking about "toilet brushes" Before I read what you wrote I was thinking how cool those thistles were. I love both the backgrounds! These are great inllustrations!

m7 said...

i really look forward to ur post every weekend, ur sketches r lovely. these are good too, dunno y u'd call em useless, they r pretty :)

Crystal said...

This is just soooo cute it makes me smile! Yes a girl sometimes needs a quiet meditative place! :-)

Marlene said...

Your fairies are adorable, Love the hair. Your backgrounds are perfect with your angels, I like them very much.

Kristin Dudish said...

I think you are being way to hard on yourself... these are both so much fun! (The top one has especially caught my fancy - your use of color is great :) )
Have fun in London and Leeds!

Morph Waffle said...

Both your drawings are so cute. Love seeing them amongst nature. I really love the top one, I think it's my mostest favoritest drawing of yours.

WrightStuff said...

I love your cute little girls hiding in the flowers and grasses - there are definitely no toilet brushes there I can assure you!!

Christine said...

I think you're doing a great job with the grasses and flowers. Your fairies remind me of Thumbelina out there!

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone, you are all really kind to say my toilet brushes are ok....I think teasels are plants (well that's where I found them) so lets call them "Bog Brushes"...hehe

Julia Christie said...

Catherine I love both of these and I think you did a fine job on the foliage! I want to escape in my garden but I'm afraid it is just as cold here as it likely is there...Have a great visit with your daughter! I love your art!


Michelle said...

Cute! I love the character :)

EVA said...

I think you are being hard of yourself! The backgrounds and foliage are great and fun!

What a perfect setting to get away from it all in the first one!! I'd love a spot like that!

Wonderful sketches!

Dara Marlynne said...

I absolutely love your fairies!!! They are adorable. The top drawing is my favorite- I think the foliage looks great :-) and the colors of the flower are beautiful!

Lenora said...

Toilet brushes - you are soo funny! These fairies captured our hearts!

jywheeler said...

Toilet brushes....I don't see that! LOL Fairies are awesome

Kristin Aquariann said...

Thanks for the welcome to Sunday Sketches! This is the first time I've seen your art so I don't have anything to compare against, but I think both backgrounds look great! And the fairies are adorable. ^.^

Shayla said...

I have an addiction to characters with unnatural colored hair...especially pink! I dyed my hair pink two weeks ago and it faded really fast :(

The first one kind of reminds me of Pipi Longstocking! My favorite character of all!

Reflections said...

Both are wonderful sketches, do like the grassy foregrounds and backgrounds. I too think we are all our own best critics, but that's also makes us keep working to improve.

Heather said...

I so love the backgrounds of grasses etc, that you have been showcasing here. There so willowy and springlike...soft and delicate. I don't think they look like toilet brushes at ALL, lol!
i love your style, stay with it!!
enjoy your trip, so glad you get to see your daughter! xo

Helen said...

Such wonderful drawings and I love her stripey tights.

Have fun in London and Leeds.

Linda E. Pruitt said...

I love these little ladies! The grass looks just fine.

Virtual Boy said...

Such adorable character design! Love that the girls' hair really looks fluffy and soft, and the beautiful coloring~

Jenn Bower said...

Oh, but I love what you have done. Very stylized and unique.

KateHolloman said...

Hi, I am a new sunday sketcher and I am looking at everyone else's work :) your character is very cute! :)

Jehanne's doodles said...

These are fantastic background!!!

GalleryJuana said...

Your fairies are adorable and your drawings make me smile. I look forward to seeing your creations next Sunday.

Jenny said...

Gorgeous gorgeous, how can you say you don't like your grassy drawings?!! :)x

Anne Butera said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog!

Sweet drawings. Your fairies are so cute. I had to laugh when you described your teasel as looking like toilet brushes (they don't really)!

I was so glad to see your post about the stitched postcard swap. I just signed up. Looks like a lot of fun!

Hope you had fun with your friends and daughter!