Sunday, 6 February 2011

Ruby Brown...

I drew this during the week, for Sunday Sketches and Creative Everyday. I'm also going to link to this new site that I found yesterday which is packed full of arty info, take a look.. Art Journal Everyday ...

Ruby Brown just popped onto my page like so many of my characters....I love her....I hope I can turn her into a story and lets hope for a happy ending... the ideas are floating about in my head, just need to find time to concentrate on what my ideas are saying.....could take awhile (a faith healer once told me that it was complete chaos in my least he didn't say it was empty)....hehe...

The other girls laughed at Ruby Brown's colourful woolly tights, 
the ones her Granny knitted on a Saturday night....

The little dancers tut tutted while Ruby Brown,
pirouetted, wobbled and tried not to fall down...


Anonymous said...

Nicely made ..
I really loved this Cute Li'l ballerina .. xoxo

Kristin Dudish said...

Awww... Ruby Brown, I love your handmade tights!

p.s. I'd be afraid to find out what's inside my head!

Marlene said...

She is adorable, I love her tights and now I want to hear the rest of the story.

Jehanne's doodles said...

awhhh I rather like her tights :)
She is an adorable character and I like the snotty girls in the background too :)

WrightStuff said...

Ruby Brown is a perfect name - it says quirky yet grounded, creative and fun!

My head feels like yours this week - a whole maelstrom of ideas floating around!

Where can I get me some of those tights?

Sinderella's Studio said...

love her - if she becomes a book I won't a copy!!!!
cheers, dana

Reflections said...

Cute, cheerful piece, creating a world of pirohuettes... nice

Morph Waffle said...

I love Ruby brown and her ballet outfit and her wooly toghts, charming drawings. I'm going to have a talk with those other girls!

Cowgirl Red said...

To the faith healer....tell me something I don't already know. It's a creative, constructive chaos. :) terah

Christine said...

that's so cute, love your Ruby Brown, dancer.

Tammie Lee said...

I am like that with my story thoughts, many floating about, how to get them down.

You are off to a good start for a children's book. I love your idea and your art is delightful!

Julia Christie said...

I love her tights!!! She is so cute. This would be a great start to a children's book - I hope you pursue that! This is just such a fun sketch!!


Debbie said...

I love Ruby too! Nice job!

lissa said...

she's extremely cute & she reminds me of Pipi Longstocking, especially with the red braids

Heather Foust said...

This is precious! I love Ruby! Hey it is better to have chaos then nothing at all!!! Right!

Jenny said...

oh Ruby Brown.....don't fall down!! (However..I suppose better Ruby falling down than her tights!...or am i the only one that used to have woolly tights that would NEVER stay up as a kid??!!)...just LOVE all your wee characters and the stories that they come with :)x

MarieElizabeth said...

I'm pretty sure that's what I looked like in ballet class too! Although, she has much better tights.

gatheringwonder said... that first picture - well done

Michelle said...

So cute! I love your style :)

Heather said...

Cute story and great name for a character...i love the tutu - xo

Unknown said...

Wow, thank you everyone...what lovely comments. I think all of us girlies had problems with woolly tights staying up when we were little. Actually still have a problem with now...I'm very short so most of the time they come up under my sexy...not...

I will try and get back to you all individually...have a young waif and stray staying this an extra mouth to feed and well just extra work and less time...don't mind..when a young girl says she needs somewhere to stay for a week while someone irradiates her place of little furry can hardly say no...

I'm chuffed to bits you all like Ruby Brown...big smile here...

Helen said...

What a lovely drawing and a great character! And what funky tights too!

Anonymous said...

I can see you have your own style. I like that very much. I want to have that too!

Jenn Bower said...

Hi, Catherine. Welcome to Sunday Sketches! You have a wonderfully cute cast of characters. This week's sketch is very fun. I love the tights.