Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Breakfast . . .

"Toogle, I think we'll have a nice bit of fish for breakfast!"
Woof woof....
"De dum de dum, yum, yum,  Breakfast..."
"Oh no... I'm BREAKFAST...!!!!!"

Hi everyone,  I found "Breakfast" really hard... could not think of a thing to do... it just wasn't coming... thought I would probably give this Tuesday a miss, because I had nothing.... then about 3.30am this morning, couldn't sleep... I have a really bad cold (poor me, I'm feeling sorry for myself).... this picture popped into my head.... So, every spare moment I have had today, I've been beavering away to finish it.... and Ta da! .... So pop over to Mr Toast's at Creative Tuesday's and see what all the other creative people have been up to.... see you there....


Heather said...

....see good things come to us at the most strangest times. THis is fun, I like the ranobow fish and the story that goes along ...YIKES! Very cute and creative, as always. have a great day....and yes, would love to have a glass of wine with you and cheese in france someday! :)

Betsy Brock said...

haha...this is cute! How are they going to fit that big fish in their little boat? That's enough food for lunch, too I think! ;)

EVA said...

Very cute!! Great story to go with it!

linda (dots n doodles) said...

So cute! Glad that this popped into your head this morning.

joanna said...

Hi Catherine! this is adorable! love the little girl's face!

Daniella said...

Hi Catherine!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I LOVE your idea for CT! Fishing for breakfast, awesome!
I feel so out of my league! You are all artists, drawing beautiful pictures, and I don't draw! I hope I fit in. You are amazing and I am your newest follower!!

Nicola said...

Soooo cute! I really love the rainbow fish too!!! Isn't it funny when ideas just come into our heads. I hope you are feeling better now! Take care! :0)

Kim said...

cute, cute, cute! Don't you just love when inspiration strikes when you least expect it?

Wanda said...

The Fish gets the worm for breakfast, and you get the fish.... two for one!!

Really cute drawing...always love your expressions and details.

Jenny said...

aaah, well done you for persevering..I completely wimped out today! And what a brilliant drawing you came up with...I LOVE the rainbow fish and the spying of the worm ..clever idea but not so clever fish!! :)HOpe you feel better soon X

Janice said...

It's amazing what can come to us in the middle of the night. This is very cute.

Crystal said...

Glad you finished, it is just so adorable! Hope you cold gets better soon! :-)

Dara Marlynne said...

YAY!! I'm glad you finished, because this is adorable!! I think my favorite part is the little worm's expression, like- How did I get into this?!? I also love the fish's talk bubbles, his colors, and the tent and clothesline in the background. Cute! :-)

Unknown said...

A great entry. I love it. I mused over my idea forever and finally did it. Almost forgot the day to post. Fish is good for breakfast.

Kristin Dudish said...

So cute :)
I love the coloring on the fish!
Feel better soon.


Jenn Bower said...

Not sure how I missed this one yesterday. What an adorable image. I LOVE the fishy-lips. They are a riot and I really love the color choices.

Christine said...

well at least he'll have a bit of breakfast before he becomes breakfast! Cute, Catherine.

Michael said...

This is indeed cute, CAherine, and let me hand it to you that kept on persisting. I found Breakfast so hard that I never got anything done. A few lame attempts that I gave up. LOL. this is delightful. Thank you for doing this.