Sunday, 7 August 2011

Morag and Bat thing . . .

I went to keep Mr H company this morning while a job that was supposed to take 1 1/2 hours tops took 3hrs... (why do men always underestimate the time a job will take by half?). While I was waiting patiently I decided to attack my doodling in a different below right I shut my eyes and did a doodle, then fiddled with trying to make my lines into something and "Voila".... a sort of bat creature came to be... I then decided to draw him full frontal.... then obviously a little girl popped out... she's called Morag....have no idea why she looks so sad.... but Battie thing took to her straight away..... I think he's saying "Love me, love me... I'll be your friend...."
Checkout what all the other lovely Sunday Sketchers have been up to.....


Julia Christie said...

I can see a story developing here...great sketches!

sweet limes said...

I am loving this little bat, are we going to be seeing more of him? As for the men never knowing how long a job takes, I HEAR YOU! my husband is so terrible for that and it drives me mad.

Kristin Aquariann said...

He's adorable!! I'm sure he'll find a way to cheer Morag up soon. ^.^

Christine said...

very creative doodling today Catherine!

Morph Waffle said...

What a fun way of sketching! Little batie is super cute and sure he'll make Morag happy!

Joni Nickrent said...

Very clever and the doodle that do'd! POP ART MINIS

WrightStuff said...

So very cute. Love book girl too - popping out of the phone book.

lissa said...

super cute pair, perhaps she is not sad but just restless?

carol l mckenna said...

So adorable and allowing the Muse to direct you ~ so inspiring ~ you might enjoy my Monday post on Zen of Creativity ~ namaste, CArol ^_^

Sketch Sunday and my blog is Share the Creative Journey ~ thanks ^_^

Debbie said...

cute sketches, love your method!!

Heather said...

good morning,
i love these little character developments! the first picture with the bat looking up at her friend, is too cute! I like the sketch below this post, too! enjoy your monday!

Anonymous said...

I love the way he is gazing up at her with such hope.

Sinderella's Studio said...

eyes closed, freaking incredible!!! Men never getting the time thing husband says half an hour - I say 3 in my head, never out loud!
cheers, dana

Cowgirl Red said...

I love little batty guy! He is so cute. TH always says "Let's do (whatever) it will only take a sec." Then it takes hours and he says " I didn't think it would take that long." It's in their genes. xoxo Terah