Thursday, 11 August 2011

Yellow Brick Road . . .

What happened to the happy "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" fairy tale... somehow it soured along the way...

The rioting in London made me want to cry this week.... I grew up in was a safe place to be... people worked hard for what they had, we didn't have mobile phones, computers...most families only had one car....If we didn't have something, we didn't have it....we didn't assume it was our right to have what someone else kids we darn't misbehave... 1.  It didn't occur to us to destroy our neighbourhood.... 2. What ever we did was reported back to Parents or grandparents....

I would like to see the thugs that went out rioting apologise to people face to face and be made to clean up their mess.....unfortunately I expect they will be put in "Correctional Facilities" for a week or two and told Tut Tut not nice please don't do it again.......

I'm a day early, but I shall be adding this to Paint Party Friday....


Heather said...

It's just terrible isn't it? I agree, what has happened to civilization and 'love thy neighbor' - what a shame.

I really like the emotion in your painting...let's bring the yellow brick road back!

Netty said...

Your picture really captures the sadness we all feel in the UK. Annette x

Heather Foust said...

That is so sad!!! I don't know what happening??? Did we spoil our kids that they think they are entitled without working for it?? I don't know. So sad. Your painting really shows how your are feeling. It is the beauty of art. You can work it out on the canvas. Hang in there girly!

Gay McKinnon said...

I love the fragile look of this - she's lost her way, and those lines show it.
We're all shocked and saddened for the UK here in Australia.

Rosie Kaplan said...

I went to art school in East Croydon. Its crazy what is going on there. I feel happy to be safe on Waiheke Island in NZ

Gay McKinnon said...

ps I forgot to say - let's remember all the community volunteers who turned up the next day waving their own brooms to clean up - they are the majority. That would make a good picture Catherine?!

Cameron said...

A sad moment indeed...searching for the road that is right in front of her....

Nicola said...

I feel the same about what's going on in the UK right now. I'm originally from Wales so my family have been watching the news in horror. I think your illustration really captures the sadness that people are feeling right now as well as the hopelessness of some too!

WrightStuff said...

This captures the mood so well. I was saying yesterday that the pictures and names of those convicted should be pasted up on advertising hoardings around those local areas. Name and shame. Unfortunately, when you saw some of the people coming out of court laughing and so evidently pleased with themselves then maybe nothing will work. Already the penalties don't make much sense. One guy got 6 months for stealing a bottle of water and another only 4 months for assaulting a police officer?? They will probably all be out in a few weeks.

The only heartening bit has been the way communities have pulled together to clear up and try and stop more happening.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

That's a perfect picture to describe the feelings the London riots leave with people. I'm saddened, too.

SHERI COOK said...

The work this week is whimsical and filled with so much emotion. Thank you for sharing it and yourself this week for PPF!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful art despite your feeling down ~ Great job ~ Sending you healing hugs ~
Happy PPF ~ namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)

Kristin Dudish said...

The sadness definitely comes through in your painting... The delicate but loose lines are absolutely beautiful.


EVA said...

It is indeed so very sad and irrational what is happening there.

Lovely expressive piece.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and your fellow citizens Catherine. It's just awful what's happening, not only there, but all over the world. They say the U.S. is on the brink of collapse and will be next. It all makes me very sad. Your painting is beautiful and emotional! Thank you so much for sharing what is on your heart and mind. Nice to meet you through PPF. Hugs xo ~ Rhonda

Unknown said...

your painting is great Catherine....and I too am so sad about all the rioting....there is no need for humanity to act this way.....

Christine said...

beautiful inspired work today Catherine, so sorry for your pain. Terrible news about the rioting in London.

Faye said...

Such a beautiful and poignant piece, Catherine. It's sad how bad things have become in this world. I sure don't know the reason except the young don't seem to know the Golden Rule, which is a tenet of all major religions: do to others as you would have done to you.

Anonymous said...

so sad that the actions of a few cause painto so many,, I think the whole world is in shock, your piece depicts the sadness beautifully,, I'm so sorry that it had to be such a sad week for your art but you did a piece that speaks for itself,,best wishes from Canada.

Virtual Boy said...

You've really captured the sadness and hopelessness in this beautiful piece.
Amazing work~

Geckostone said...

Yes, if only we could go back to the days when it wouldnt even occur to a kid to destroy his neighborhood!So sad!But, I love your painting! To me it looks like she just got a little distracted by something interesting at her feet ( perhaps a little lizard or pretty bug or a tiny tree frog),she reminds me of me on the nature trails around here!Gorgeous painting!Deb

GlorV1 said...

Yes sad indeed and your painting shows the sadness. Very nice. Happy PPF!

Jenny said...

Oh Catherine, this is so beautiful and poignant. I love the gentle wash of colours and the different style. You portray the dismay and disappointment beautifully. crazy crazy times. Big hugs to you xx

Crystal said...

Love your little painting. So sad about the rioting though. People have changed. Very sad :-)

Anne Butera said...

It's heartbreaking.

Your painting is lovely. Full of emotion. And her expression!

Happy PPF!

Joni Nickrent said...

A sad happening for sure and you have captured that sadness in your's a lovely piece. POP ART MINIS

Fallingladies said...

wish there didn't have to be such a sad story to tell, ....very sad, but you made such a lovely piece of art out of it!

Unknown said...

Hi there. I really like this piece of art. I'm sorry that it comes from such a crappy happening, but it really is damn cool art, so maybe in a twisted way i am happy?

Giggles said...

I agree with you! We were devastated when it happened in Vancouver. Some of the kids were from affluent families too.... I feel they should be MADE to pay restitution...have work parties for the hooligans so they have to rebuild what they destroy... Non on this being locked up and watch tv... Nice artwork...very original and sweet!! Happy ppf!

Hugs Giggles