Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Let's go sailing today. . .

"Teddy doesn't want to go sailing today, he's hiding under the bed. Teddy says it's his turn to be Captain! Teddy says it's my turn to get captured by Pirates and be taken to an island where cannonballs boil you in a big black pot and eat you all up. Teddy says it's my turn to walk the plank and get eaten by sharks.  Teddy says he's going tell Mum...!"

A little bit of fun and nonsense from my sketchbook this week...Ahoy!


Netty said...

So loving your artwork Catherine, she is beautiful, x

Sandra van Doorn said...

so cute :)

manomij said...

Gorgeous entry and you inspire me so much!

Gwen said...

I hope this gorgeous little one does not get eaten by sharks.

Tammie Lee said...

fun and adorable Catherine

trisha too said...

Catherine, this is adorable--but you can definitely see the spunk in that child's face!!!


Heather Foust said...

Ahhhh I love the little Sailer Girl!

Unknown said...

I have given you an award. Please visit my blog to find out about it. :)