Thursday, 9 February 2012

Little Corbeau. . .

... whilst I was painting this I had a very strong image of a crow in my head and a red scarf....Corbeau is french for "Crow" there is a story here which is just hiding in the woods for now.

Sweet dreams Little Corbeau .......Night night and don't let the bed bugs bite :)


Brianna said...

Oh, Catherine. I love this. Do you have a shop?


Anonymous said...

this is lovely, just lovely,

MarieElizabeth said...

I like the levels of texture in this one, and of course it's just lovely.

Heather said...

this is so neat. love the sweater, looks real!
i love your new signature, too! hee! cute!

Jehanne's doodles said...

this is beautiful Catherine. Is that real cloth you have added for the sweater?