Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Halloween. . .

 When little witches and bunnies get ready for Halloween
A sight the like you've never seen.
The washing comes out, rub and scrub and dub a dub dub,
The moths take flight, what a hub bub.
Black cats howl and robin's scowl,
Watchout!...something spooky, is on the prowl,
Oh, it's only Mr Owl.

The cauldron is polished and ready to bubble,
The broom, the broom is all of a muddle.
Pumpkins, bats and little black hats, dance.
Twirling and swirling around and around, to the sound of a witches cackle.
The Moon is shining bright and white and full and stoic
Everyone is ready for a night of trick or treating, sweets and magic.

A little Fun and Nonsense from my Sketchbook... I know I'm no poet but it's a start... :D
I'm entering into this fun competition... Susanna Hill's Halloween Contest..


Sandra Busby said...

Aaw... this is so lovely! I love their windswept hair and ears! :0)

Melanie said...

Love the sweet, stormy drawing.
Liefs, Melanie

Unknown said...

oh this is fabulous!! you should do a book! x

Melody said...

Your a poet and you don't know it~ you're feet show it, they're Longfellows ! he he he (I love to be able to use that saying...) :))
Looks like a windy day ~ hope little purple teddy don't blow away!

Unknown said...

i tried again my lovely! xxx

Unknown said...

Ah, cute painting an cute poem too. Lots of fun!

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Love the poem and love the painting, especially their wind swept hair and ears.

Grannymar said...

I love the wind blown painting and your words were perfect with it!

Unknown said...

The painting is beautiful and the poem is great. Good luck with the contest.

Anonymous said...

Love the painting and the cute poem. Nice entry!

Vivian Kirkfield said...

LOVE your illustrations...and the story is lots of fun - perfect for the Halloweensie Contest! So nice to connect with you, Catherine.:)

Mike Allegra said...

Oh, this is great! And I love your blog. I just signed up to follow your posts via email.

DonnaLouise said...

Fun story and I love your art, Catherine! :0)

Author Amok said...

Watching the witches do their chores before Halloween -- what an original idea. I liked the way you slipped a challenging word (stoic) into the poem!

Cheryl Secomb said...

Oh, I love this, Catherine! What a fun and adorable poem. Great job!

Susanna Leonard Hill said...

What a cute, Halloween-y poem, Catherine! Very fun! And I LOVE your illustration! Such beautiful work! So glad you found the contest and entered. It's lovely to "meet" you! Thanks for joining in the fun!

Andrea Mack said...

Such a neat idea to look at how they get ready for Hallowe'en! I love your artwork, it has such a lyrical quality!

Pamela Brunskill said...

What a cute story. And the illustration's fantastic!

Lauri Meyers said...

I love the idea of all the witches and goblins getting everything all clean and ready for Halloween! Your drawings are adorable.

Beth Stilborn said...

What a fun entry! I like the image of the witches and bunnies (!) scrub-a-dub-dubbing read for Halloween. Glad you've joined us in the contest!

Marta Ramirez - Mystical StarSylph said...

I love your stories Catherine, and this one is no exception! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

JannaTWrites said...

I like how everyone gets involved with the party preparations. Cute drawing, too!

Stacy S. Jensen said...

I like a night of sweets and magic. … a night of laundry … not so much.

stefanie stark said...

This is a cute little halloween story! Your lovely sketch matches the atmosphere perfectly!

Michelle Heidenrich Barnes said...

Your words convey the same wind-blown, carefree feeling as your artwork. Very nice!

heatherdent56 said...

What a fun little collection of rhymes. My favorite line was "Oh it's only Mr. Owl."

Carrie F said...

I love the word-sketch you've done to go with the illustration. Beautiful!

Robyn Campbell said...

I adore this, Catherine. The painting is awesome. Fantastic job!

Anonymous said...

I think you do poetry very well! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wonders . Your art work and words .. always help me smile

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Fun preparations for Halloween. Cute. . . .and well done!