Sunday, 16 February 2014

Cotton reels, teddy bear and sparkle. . .

I'm glad to report that my little Mojo is back. She went off on a round the world cruise just before Christmas, without so much as a by your leave.  She didn't even send me a postcard or a text to say she was ok and when she would be back.  She finally made it back to my Art Bunker early this week and everyone at Shelf Corner, especially me, is very happy to see her.

I knew Mojo was on her way back when earlier this week I was commissioned to do a logo.  One of my girlies and a cotton reel was the brief... I have a big mushy soft spot for cotton reels, especially the old fashioned wooden ones.  So I whipped out my old wooden reels and started sketching... I sketched, my little Mojo came hurtling back suitcases full to bursting point with ideas. She plonked herself down and started to tell me about all the wonderful places she has visited over the last couple of months. (Umpf, alright for some).

A friend of mine became a Granny last week and I wanted to paint something for the new baby. Baby's Mum is a cotton reels and teddy bears seemed just the thing... very happy to say that the sparkle is back.  Lets hope it stays for awhile... :)

That's my Fun and Nonsense... off to paint more cotton reels and baby teddy bears... :)
and to see what's going on at Sunday Sketches... :)


Unknown said...

Sooooo pleased that Muse found its way back to you. And, look what happens when its back with you! Love your little teddy bear xx

Netty said...

woo hoo, good to see you back in full force Catherine. Loving the Bear on the Cotton Reel, so fab, Annette x

Jehanne's doodles said...

Congrats on your logo job! And I am so glad your mojo came home LOL
Love this painting. It is so adorable!

Angels have Red Hair said...

Love it … just gorgeous :0)

Saskia said...

So sweet... lovely work!!!!

Saskia :)

Tarang Sinha said...


Christine said...

This is an adorable gift! You sure got your mojo back!

Debbie said...

I'm glad your mojo is back! This is a super cute painting, and i'm sure your friend will cherish it forever!

Victoria said...

What a super beautiful bear..gorgeous....and how special, the story behind it..she will love this gift of art..your bear is adorable and full of love and wonderful energy!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh so adorable and very creative and well done ~ thanks ~ and thanks for visiting and commenting ~ Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

carol and artmusedog

Abigail Davidson said...

The teddy bear is adorable! Happy SS!

Sirkka said...

Your Mojo is so sweet and the story:)

PaintingWrite said...

This is really gorgeous! I love the way you've done the cotton reel and the little sparkles.

GalleryJuana said...

congratulations on your commission and returned inspiration! sweet illustration.

Melody said...

Glad to hear MoJo returned safely! (pretty thoughtless about the no post card sending though...) Love the Sparkly Spool Bear ~ hope to see more of Shelf Corner soon!
Always gives me a smile~~~ :))))) <--- see?

Sandra Busby said...

Well of course this is bound to be close to my heart because it is a bear! And a gorgeous one too! Love, love, LOVE this! :0)

AM Zafaran said...

Glad your Mojo is back! The reel, scattered buttons and the bear are sure to keep her here!

Sandra van Doorn said...

was just dropping by to say a quick hello as i haven’t seen you around much…hope life is good ?
x sandra