Tuesday 28 December 2010

I've been a busy girl....

Yes, I managed to lock myself in my office (spare room)over Christmas and work on my Sketchbook Project 2011. I'm nearly there, a few more pages to go.... panic in the middle of the night once again.... running out of ideas... then new ones are plucked out of dreamland... 

Well this one speaks for itself... we've all asked that question.... "Does my bum look big in this...?", bottoms are made to be big we can't help it.. It's Mother Natures way of keeping our darling menfolk concentrated on us even when we have our backs to them. (We'd look silly if we had boobs front and back  so Mother Nature just put our back boobs lower and there we have it a BUM). So the answer is YES but the real question we should ask ourselves is  "DOES MY BUM LOOK GOOD!" and every Boob/Bum loving male will tell you  "OH YES!" - he's programmed to be fixated on round objects of any size........

I have no idea where this came from...

Have you ever noticed... that when you start putting food out for the birds, they some how find your bird table in seconds and before you know it, every bird around is visiting......

This popped out of nowhere too....then I found an article about the last Pit Pony in Wales and it got mixed with horse whisperers (loved the book - hated the movie) and a life long fascination with wild Mustang ponies... oh there is no logic to how my brain works......


Unknown said...

Fun pages!

I love the feeling of 'I don't know where this comes from'. I guess it's when my mind is in free state. Just let the lines flow and tell their own stories, something like that :-)

I still have some twenty pages left. Since I plan to make my new year holiday free of digital drawing, the sketchbook will be my task this weekend. Hope I can complete it all.

Cheers for your sketchbook. I know you can do it :-D

EVA said...

Great pages! Love the "tweets"! LOL!!