Toogle was burying a bone in the garden and didn't see "Petunia" from No 23 sashay up the garden path and bustle into Boogie Bedhead's kitchen...... - he was too late to warn Boogie to hide and pretend to be out.
"Petunia" went on and on and on about her "Brand Spanking New All Mode Con's shiny Kitchen" that she was having fitted.... and did Boogie want the name of the "Kitchen Fitters" because after all, Boogie's kitchen could do with a major relook offence of course...but your kitchen darling is sooooo last century....and it's so you Boogie to have a Kitch Hen in your kitchen.....ha ha ha ha ha..... must dash darling have to keep an eye on kitchen progress..... let's do lunch.... soooooonnnn......"
Boogie can only hope that Petunia will be too busy polishing her brand spanking new shiny kitchen to have time to "doooo lunch darling....!!!"
Let's pop over to Mr Toast's Creative Tuesday and have a peek in everyone's kitchen.... :)
my kitchen could do with a major relook, too, darling! lol.
cute...and you even drew my kitchen floor!
how cute is this,,
Their kitchen is lovely, it's massive too!
Oh very cool! Kitchen's with windows over the sink are the best! They look like they are having a nice time there!
Ah, the kitchen is a great place to gather with friends and drink coffee or tea...and with dotty cups? Even better. Lovely interpretation, Catherine. TY!
cute kitchen scene and a lovely story behind it!
So cute, great fun!
Love the fashions your cute girls are wearing, and the hairdos too...Lovely Kitchen. Cute story!
such a happy illustration and a delightful little story to accomapny it! hee! I love the characters here - can they share some coffee with me? Adorable!!
Oh so fun! And such a cute kitchen, too.
Hahaha what a good story. Like how the hen is shocked and the dog is looking through the window. I think Boogies kitchen is just adorable as it is lol
Another great story and illustration. This made me chuckle.
This is lots of fun, darling! hee hee
I also love seeing the progression of your journal page in the post below :)
Love it! Fun story and drawing! I especially like the chicken!
so're kitchen is creatively cool! PopArtMinis
I love your style. They are the cutest characters.
so cute. and such fun story!
xo sandra
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