Sunday, 20 January 2013

Cloud Girls. . .

Say hello to my little cloud girls. I can't get them out of my head. I keep drawing them, I have a sketchbook full of these cuties. They just keep floating out of my pencils and paintbrushes and plop onto my pages.  They are obviously trying to tell me a story that I should be writing down. They are whispering so softly that I can't quite make out what they are saying... I think I'll draw them a hoghorn, hopefully that will do the trick...

Rebecca and her fellow students reached their financial target to make their film. Big THANK YOU to everyone that supported them.

That's my Fun and Nonsense for today...stay warm and safe.   


Lottie said...

Oooh how sweet are these little girls! ManonX

Anne Manda said...

Aw... cloud girls are cute! <3

PiaRom said...

They are so cute and I adore their socks :)!

Sandra van Doorn said...

totally adorable! j’adore!
xo sandra

Pia Drent said...

Hello cloud girls! You just put a smile on my face and I badly needed one. So hugs for you and your maker!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh she is adorable!!!
Moving back home to H and the sheep this weekend.

Cindy D. said...

All adorable! And no reason to stop with them. Perhaps when they've hit some sort of critical mass number, they will tell you their story. :)

Gay McKinnon said...

I particularly like the colour scheme and those striped stockings. The ones with the starry background are my favourites! That's great news about the film.