Thursday, 29 August 2013

Croissants, fish and a polar bear. . .

 These last few days there has been quite lot of activity in my little sketchbook.
I never know who or what is going to turn up.

You can imagine my surprise when I turned the page to find a little inuit girl called Chu happily fishing away in my sketchbook. She said she had been there all morning and the fish were not biting.  I offered her a cup of tea and half my croissant.  She really liked the croissant, especially when a crumb dropped into the ice hole and gruuuumppp that very second she caught a fish.  Fish like croissants too.
That fish wasn't even unhooked before all of a sudden, there appeared a polar bear.  Nanook (the polar bear) said he had smelt something really croissant obviously...and had decided to come and see what it was.  On spying the fish dangling from Chu's fishing line he instantly forgot about the croissant smell, thankfully, because there was none left. 
"Can I stay for supper?" he asked
Chu and I looked at each other, gulped and said "Sure, no problem"
I went and got some croissants, one little fish was not going to be enough....

That's my Fun and Nonsense for today...
Come join me at Lottie's Paper Saturday
and Sunday Sketches... :) xxx


Sandra Busby said...

Hi Catherine
Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my latest post. I just had to pop over and have a nose! :0)
What a lovely blog! And I feel quite ashamed when I see how creative you have been in your sketchbook and I flick through the empty pages of mine!! Your sketches are gorgeous! :0)

Melody said...

That's nice the Polar bear got to stay for supper ~ they need friends too you know!
Fingers crossed you ALL had Croissants for supper, and the fish lived happily ever after too..... :)))))

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful drawings - I love croissants, too - you have inspired me to take a walk to the bakery! Valerie

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh that is a very cute story :) And I love the illustration to go with it :)

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Sweet! Chu was very smart to share her meal instead of running away. Blessings!

Unknown said...

It's fun seeing in your sketchbook. I love the polar bear.

kat said...

Hello Catherine, oh I love this so much and your little fun and nonsense story to go with it, just great!

Anne Manda said...

Cute story and sweet illustration! <3

manomij said...

Happy Paper Saturdays! I know it is Sunday but is my other Saturday we have two in Lottie land. Love your story and illustration. I already said this I think on FB but just needed to say it again. Hugs ManonX

Lynn Cohen said...

Adorable art and story alike. I was amused!

Ginny said...

I am such a big fan of your work. Loved both the sketches and the story today. Have a wonderful week.

janice smith said...

Wonderful story and art this week. Having a polar bear stay for dinner is a brave undertaking, indeed. Hope he minded his manners! Have a lovely week! xo, janice

Abigail Davidson said...

Very cute drawing!

Debbie said...

I love the fun story as much as the cute painting!

Christine said...

very cute pages and I loved your croissant story!

Lisabella Russo said...

Awww, that's so cute! I love it. Hard to say no if a polar bear asks to be invited for dinner...